Bryon Hunt

District Vice President representing Carson City Local 2251

Bryon Hunt

District Vice President representing Carson City Local 2251

Northern District Vice President representing Carson City Local 2251, Tahoe-Douglas Local 2441, East Fork Local 3726, Storey County Local 4227, Central Lyon County Local 4728 Professional Fire Fighters of Nevada

Bryon Hunt, northern district vice president of the Professional Fire Fighters of Nevada, is a firefighter paramedic for the Carson City Fire Department. As vice president, Bryon is responsible for assisting the presidents of affiliate Locals in northern Nevada and ensuring those Locals comply with their governing rules. He also serves as President Todd Ingalsbee’s secondary when he is unable to attend functions or meetings in the north.

In addition to his primary duties as northern district vice president, he is responsible for serving as a liaison for local presidents and the executive board of the Professional Fire Fighters of Nevada.

Bryon drives and operates the fire apparatus for the Carson City Fire Department, and also serves as president of the Professional Fire Fighters of Carson City Local 2251. Before his local presidency, he served in several other executive board positions, gaining knowledge and experience as a fire service leader.

During his time as president of the Carson City Professional Fire Fighters, Bryon has worked to increase the level of service provided to his community. He has also addressed and improved specific issues, such as hours, wages, and working conditions for his members.

He has been named “Firefighter of the Year” by Carson City, has received recognition as a firefighter from both the city of Elks and the Foot Print Society, and has received numerous “Golden Axe” awards from the department.

Bryon has a Fire Science degree, is a certified paramedic by Northwest Medical Training Center, and has a list of special certifications in fire and technical rescue. He is also a lead instructor for the Carson City Regional Fire Academy,  and teaches technical rescue for the Carson City Fire Department and numerous other agencies.

Bryon is a proud member of the Carson City Fire Department Honor Guard, which performs at their special events. He also partakes in raising funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association with the Fill-the-Boot drive, and sponsoring scholarships for the Nevada Public Education Foundation. He supports the American Red Cross through PFFN’s involvement in the “Fire Hurts…Red Cross Helps” campaign, offering assistance for victims displaced by fires.

Bryon has lived in Reno, Nevada, for 16 years and enjoys spending time with his family. His other passions in life are camping, hunting, skiing, riding ATVs and dirt bikes, and traveling.
